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Writer's pictureAlan Campbell

Python Regression Analysis in Power Apps - Part 4

Updated: Oct 30, 2023

Welcome to part 4 of our transformative series where we are set to elevate your expertise in leveraging Python scripts within the Microsoft Power Apps environment. In this segment, we turn our attention to a fundamental statistical tool utilized in predictive analytics: regression analysis.

Utilizing Python’s expansive SciPy library, we reintroduce you to the integral role of regression analysis in foreseeing potential future outcomes based on historical data, with a keen focus on predicting sales performances grounded in Business Central history derived from item ledger data. We demystify the principles underlying the stats.linregress function — a function that operates at the heart of predictive analytics by performing linear least-squares regression for two sets of measurements, allowing you to craft precise, data-driven strategies for future success.

As we embark on this analytical journey, we delve deeper into the synergies between the X and Y parameters, representing the intricate interplay between months and sales, thereby orchestrating a ballet of data where every point narrates a chapter of your business story. Our objective is to furnish you with the prowess to not just read, but also to write the next chapters with a scientific precision grounded in Python’s potent analytical resources.

We unravel the mysteries enveloped in the terminologies such as ‘slope,’ ‘intercept,’ and 'r-value,' translating them into business lexicons that power your decision-making prowess. Leveraging real-world data, we present an illustrative example grounded in Business Central’s rich item ledger, guiding you in interpreting the graphical representation of linear relationships and leveraging them to project future sales trajectories with an enhanced understanding of the strengths and nuances of these relationships.

Join us as we equip you with the tools to forge ahead in the business landscape, backed by the might of Python scripts harmoniously integrated into the dynamic Microsoft Power Apps environment, steering towards a future delineated with data-driven insights and actionable strategies.

Prepare to venture into the depth of regression analysis, an adventure where Python meets Power Apps to unlock a treasure trove of predictive analytics capabilities.

SciPy Library

As we progressed in this blog series, we developed a Python script utilizing the indispensable SciPy library, a fundamental tool for scientific computing in Python. Specifically, we invoked the stats.linregress function—a segment of the stats submodule—to execute a linear least-squares regression using two sets of measurements.

This function takes two primary parameters: X and Y, representing the independent and dependent variables, respectively. In our context, 'X' stands for the months, and 'Y' embodies the monthly sales data, variables we defined while constructing the custom connector in our previous entry. A pivotal assumption in deploying this function is the linear relationship existing between 'X' and 'Y'.

Embarking on this analytical journey, our objective is clear: harnessing the potential of stats.linregress within our Power App to forecast prospective sales grounded on historical data harvested from Business Central's item ledger. By delving into past sales performances, we aspire to craft a predictive model, offering insightful glimpses into the future sales trajectories.

A Practical Illustration with Item 1928-S from Business Central

To ground our discussion in real-world data, we turn to item number 1928-S as drawn from the Business Central database. Utilizing the stats.linregress function, we input item ledger details where 'X' delineates the respective month and 'Y' signifies the corresponding monthly sales, giving us a rich dataset encompassing a 14-month sales history directly derived from Business Central archives.

Displayed in the subsequent graph, we pinpoint the linear association between the X and Y variables, illustrated through a best-fit line vividly marked in red. This line serves as a visual representation of the inherent relationship, guiding us in forecasting trends based on historical data.

The image shows the best fit for a linear regression of Microsoft Business Central item number 1928-S
Best Fit Line for Microsoft Business Central item 1928-S

The stats.linregress Response

We will receive the following after calling stats.linregress:

  • slope - Slope of the regression line.

  • intercept - Intercept of the regression line.

  • rvalue - The Pearson correlation coefficient. The square of rvalue is equal to the coefficient of determination.

  • pvalue - The p-value for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is that the slope is zero, using Wald Test with t-distribution of the test statistic. See alternative above for alternative hypotheses.

  • stderr - Standard error of the estimated slope (gradient), under the assumption of residual normality.

  • intercept_stderr - Standard error of the estimated intercept, under the assumption of residual normality.

We will use the slope and intercept in predicting future sales for Business Central item sales. We will also present to the user the rvalue.

Understanding the R-Value in Regression Analysis

In the realm of regression analysis, the r-value, also known as the correlation coefficient, holds a pivotal role. It quantifies the strength and direction of the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable, fluctuating within a range from -1 to +1.

An r-value of zero is indicative of no discernible relationship between the variables represented as X and Y. However, as this value approaches the extremities of +1 or -1, it signals a stronger relationship, with +1 denoting a perfect positive linear relationship and -1 representing a perfect negative linear relationship.

Examining the case of item 1928-S displayed in the aforementioned graph, we notice an r-value of 0.06, or 6%. This value delineates a very weak correlation between the X and Y variables, suggesting that the predictive power yielded from this relationship is minimal.

Anticipating Future Sales through Predictive Analysis

Having derived the essential components of our predictive model, the slope and intercept, we stand prepared to forecast the sales of a future month. The fundamental formula steering our predictions is articulated as:

Y = slope * X + intercept

To illustrate, let's channel the data hailing from the historical sales pattern of item number 1928-S to anticipate the sales trajectory for the 20th month. Substituting the respective values into our formula, we get:

$675.43 = -1.56 * 20 + 706.63

The outcome delineates a precise sales forecast, calculated through the meticulous application of the derived formula, promising to offer actionable insights for your business strategies.

Looking forward, we aim to integrate this foundational formula seamlessly into our comprehensive discussion in the upcoming blog post, showcasing its utility through a Power App. The forthcoming article promises an exciting revelation of how theoretical principles transmute into practical solutions, offering a holistic vision where analytical prowess meets application.


As we draw part 4 to a close, we reflect on the pivotal journey we've undertaken, diving deep into the potent combination of Python and Microsoft Power Apps to unlock predictive analytics' enormous potential. Through regression analysis, a tool central to the predictive analytics realm, we have empowered you with the skills to scrutinize past sales performances, drawing insightful connections and forging predictive paths grounded in data and scientific precision.

With the adept use of Python's SciPy library, specifically leveraging the stats.linregress function, we have demonstrated how to translate complex statistical terms into business acumen, thus creating a roadmap to predict future sales based on a historical data foundation.

By unraveling the particulars of linear regression — from understanding the vital parameters X and Y to decoding the intricacies of the r-value — we are setting a stage where you are not just a spectator but a maestro, orchestrating informed, data-driven strategies rooted in solid statistical grounding.

Taking a pragmatic approach, we walked through a concrete example utilizing Business Central’s data for item 1928-S, giving you a real-world application of how regression analysis can be a formidable tool in predicting future sales, albeit recognizing the limitations as evident in the weak correlation observed in our case study.

As we herald the advent of the concluding segment of this series, we find ourselves on the brink of unifying all the elements we have meticulously unpacked so far. The subsequent part promises to be a crescendo where we shall conflate theory with practice, bringing to life a Power App endowed with the forecasting prowess achieved through regression analysis.

Armed with the theoretical knowledge and practical insights imparted in this part, you stand at the threshold of a brave new world of predictive analytics. Join us in our next installment as we step into the exciting realm of application, where the confluence of Python and Power Apps will offer a hands-on guide to leveraging these robust tools in harmonizing your business strategy with data-driven insights, steering your enterprise towards a future rich with potential and informed decision-making.

Thank you for staying with us on this insightful journey. The road to mastering predictive analytics is laid brick by brick, and you're building a solid foundation with each part you delve into. As we prepare to venture further, embracing the enriched perspective and analytic firepower at our disposal, we invite you to bring your curiosity and enthusiasm into our upcoming segment. The future is not just to be predicted but to be sculpted with foresight, precision, and empowered by Python and Microsoft Power Apps.

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